It’s no secret that I discuss things HERE that are most definitely outside of most peoples comfort zones.
That is just MY personality.
I have a natural ability to talk to people about a n y t h i n g.
I am a very open person.
Yes, some things I keep private, but for the most part I share all.
Here we talk/discuss such topics as:
Anal beads;
What your shit says about you;
Sexual positions;
Age Appropriate clothes;
That time of the month;
So you get the freakin idea, there is NO limit to what I write about. It also may or may not surprise you that I am a very sexual person.
I'm freakin positive that I'm not the only one out there that is.
The difference between most people and me is I am not afraid to talk about it.
Anyways my reason behind my rambling this morning is I want to share with you a one really cool person.
It is NO coincidence that the Jersey Girl Gets Real and I share the same name.
That we have sooooo much freakin shit in common. It’s almost like we were separated at birth. I won’t share all the things with you, since they really won’t mean anything to YOU.
It’s “our” little secret.
I will share with you the BIG reason why I think she is such an amazing person.
It's not just cause she is a Oh, soooo witty person.
The BIG reason we have become such fast friends (in my opinion) is that we both write about shit outside of the “comfort zone”.
We both feel at ease discussing things that are indeed outside of the norm. I've joked many times before about how I am really a 70’s flower child. I am not afraid to be open to new things. At least once.
You know, the kinds of things that others turn their noses up at.
Well the Jersey Girl Gets Real isn’t afraid either.
I just think that is the coolest shit ever!
I can tell you that the type of things we discuss or write about is not for “shock” value. It honestly is all just matter of fact shit.
There is no fear or shame there because of the topics we discuss.
Everyone should try "it" sometime.
You know, move out of your comfort zone.
Embrace it even.
Don’t always live inside a bubble for fear of what others might think.
Be open to it.
She rocks!
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