Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Dangers of Flips Flops and Public Toilets

    Let me just say, I l o v e flip flops
    you have to know that there are
    some dangers to wearing them.

    As I found out recently.
    Not so much "dangerous" really.
    just more of a nasty.

    Now I have had a similar accident
    before with my sun glasses
    just never really anything else.
    Ok, so maybe a couple of other things.
    Well Hell maybe this post should be
    really be about toilets.

    So recently I was in a public restroom
    which as you know is fucking GROSS.
    and the germ freak in me comes out
    Full on.
    Just using a public restroom is so traumatizing.
    I have to be in the z o n e
    just to be able to use a public toilet.

    Yes, I know get to the fucking point
    So I was in the bathroom.
    trying to flush it.
    I do not use my hands to touch
    a n y t h i n g in these places.
    I use my foot to flush.

    you can guess what "almost" happened.
    my fucking flip flop slipped
     on the flusher handle
    flopped into the damn

    Can you say
    holy shit

    After my heart slowed down
    I finally left the stall.

    I mean HELLO
    my whole foot could of landed in the toilet.
    I know
     yes it was my own urine
    but that doesn't mean
    the toilet its self was clean.
    Germs people.

    So now you know
    the possible dangers
    of flip flops
    and the

    Consider this my civic duty
    to share this important
    information with
    all of you.

    No need to thank me
    just doing my part.

    Source URL: https://notgaptek.blogspot.com/2011/07/dangers-of-flips-flops-and-public.html
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