This curiousity caused me to start looking into words I have heard (like ones my mother uses)and also some (my kids use), to see what their real meaning is.
This is what I came up with. Honestly a couple of these I had no idea what their true definition was. Now does that make me out of touch? Who the hell knows.
So see how many of these you can guess what generation they came from or the meaning of the word.
Also please share any words you use that didn’t make the list.
I always love to learn new words.
Just peachy or peachy kean- Everything’s going good;
Rinky-dink- cheap in quality;
That’s totally Dope- another flippin way to say cool
Hinky- suspicious looking;
Skinny mini- one definition says a variation of a 5 card draw, while another refers to someone who is really small in size;
All that and a bag a chips- Describes a person who is all that and more.;
AS if- Meaing you’re not good enough. As if, your really gonna get a piece of this fine ass.;
Beeotch- A nice way to say you’re really just a bitch;
Do a snow job on- Don't try to do a snow job on me; too deceive someone;
The Bomb- Hot shit, Kickass, The best; COOL, AWESOME;
Boo Ya- Means I'm cool. Like, hell yah I’m freakin awesome;
Cool Beans/ Neato Frito-Something that is really cool;
Marijuana Minute- A really long period of time, for a stoner. (wow that sure seemed like a long time)
Dawg-a term for a close acquaintance or friend- not to be confused with you are or look like a d o g;
Freakin- Short or a nice version of the word “Fuck”;
Peanut smuggling- Erect nipples (Somehow this was not even close to what I thought it ment.) I was thinking something to do with nuts;
Going postal- Usely describes someone becoming extremely and uncontrollably angry, often to the point of violence, and usually in a workplace environment. (This word is not specific only to ppl who work for the post office);
Muffin Top- This word decribes a person who is wearing too tight of pants where you can see a little somethin- somethin spilling over the top of the waist band;
I'm thinking I really like the "Marijuana Minute" one, I just might use that one now and again.
Source URL: https://notgaptek.blogspot.com/2010/05/things-people-say.htmlVisit not gaptek for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
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