Does that always happen? Um, Hell no.
I am completely and totally guilty of saying some
Well and to those I don’t give two shits about. Does that count? If the shitty words are said to someone you already dislike?
Why do you think people say mean things? Out of anger? Out of fear? Out of frustration?
Do any of those excuses make it acceptable?
Do you know someone like this?
Once those words come out of your mouth you can never take them back. I know first hand the pain it can cause others. I guess I am pretty good at putting the funk in dysfunctional.
Somewhat like the Pantara Song “Broken”, I am a freakin hot mess 90% of the time. Does it count that I do try?
To be a better person.
I know it is not good christain behavior to say those kinds of things. So why do I still do it? Anger issues? Control issues? Don’t give a shit issues? What the heck, I’m not really sure.
I think I have fallen off the wagon. The religious wagon that is. I get so wrapped up in things that I don’t stop to think about how my words/actions will effect others. What the hell is wrong with me?
So I’m thinking today will be the day that I try a lot harder than my normal half ass shit, to stop the constant quick to anger behavior.
I know No ones perfect, but I think I have a long ways to go to be even close.
So heres to a better attiude.
Source URL: https://notgaptek.blogspot.com/2010/05/words.htmlVisit not gaptek for Daily Updated Hairstyles Collection
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